Package-level declarations
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data class AvailablePaymentMethods(val creditCardMethod: ChannelMethod?, val blikMethod: ChannelMethod?, val availableTransfers: List<ChannelMethod>, val availableWallets: List<WalletMethod>, val availablePekaoInstallmentMethods: List<ChannelMethod>, val payPoMethod: ChannelMethod?) : Parcelable
Class responsible for storing payment methods that are available and safe to use, meaning that payment constraints were checked.
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Class responsible for storing basic information about channel
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class GetPaymentChannels
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data class GroupedPaymentChannels(val creditCardChannel: PaymentChannel?, val blikChannel: PaymentChannel?, val transferChannels: List<PaymentChannel>, val walletChannels: List<PaymentChannel>, val installmentPayments: List<InstallmentPaymentKind>)
Class responsible for storing grouped payment channels.
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data class InstallmentPaymentKind(val installmentPayment: InstallmentPayment, val channels: List<PaymentChannel>)
Class responsible for storing information about payment channels available for installmentPayment kind.
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data class PaymentChannel(val id: String, val name: String, val imageUrl: String, val isAvailable: Boolean, val isOnline: Boolean, val isInstantRedirectionAvailable: Boolean, val groups: List<PaymentGroup>, val constraints: List<PaymentConstraint>)
Class storing information about payment channel
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Class storing information about a payment constraint. Filter payment methods according to the constraints, to avoid errors while creating payments.
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Class storing information about a payment group
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Class responsible for storing basic information about wallet method