Grouped Payment Channels
data class GroupedPaymentChannels(val creditCardChannel: PaymentChannel?, val blikChannel: PaymentChannel?, val transferChannels: List<PaymentChannel>, val walletChannels: List<PaymentChannel>, val installmentPayments: List<InstallmentPaymentKind>)
Class responsible for storing grouped payment channels.
credit Card Channel
if not null, stores information about credit card channel
blik Channel
if not null, stores information about BLIK channel
transfer Channels
stores information about transfer channels
wallet Channels
stores information about digital wallet channels
installment Payments
stores information about different kinds of installment payments
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fun GroupedPaymentChannels(creditCardChannel: PaymentChannel?, blikChannel: PaymentChannel?, transferChannels: List<PaymentChannel>, walletChannels: List<PaymentChannel>, installmentPayments: List<InstallmentPaymentKind>)
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fun getAvailableInstallmentMethods(installmentPayment: InstallmentPayment, amount: Double): List<PaymentChannel>
Returns available installment payments of type installmentPayment for specified amount.
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Returns available transfer payment channels for specified amount.
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Returns BLIK channel if available for specified amount
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Returns credit card channel if available for specified amount
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Returns Google Pay channel if available for specified amount